Types of Applications

  • SEED Awards Application
    (Part 1 required)
    SEED Awards are presented annually at the Structures for Inclusion conference. The award-receiving design projects exhibit excellence in public interest design and are reviewed by a jury. SEED Awards are open to academic, commercial, and non-profit project submissions.


  • LEED Social Equity Pilot Credit Application
    (Parts 1, 2 required)
    The SEED Network provides a path toward accomplishing the USGBC LEED Social Equity within the Community credit. The intent of this credit is to “Encourage any and all members of the project team to promote and further social equity by integrating strategies that address identified social and community needs and disparities among those affected by the project by: Creating fairer, healthier, and more supportive environments for those who work/live in the project;  Responding to the needs of the surrounding community to promote a fair distribution of benefits and burdens; Promoting fair trade, respect for human rights, and other equity practices among disadvantaged communities.”


  • SEED Certification Application
    (Parts 1, 2, 3 required)
    Pursuing SEED Certification demonstrates a commitment to documenting the success of an implemented design project through completion of Parts 1 through 3 of the SEED Evaluator. Created for designers, project developers, community leaders, and others, the SEED Evaluator provides a common standard to guide, measure, evaluate, and certify the social, economic, and environmental impact of design projects. Evidence of community-centered results supported by comprehensive stakeholder engagement are required. Upon completion of Part 3, a formal and final certification review will be performed by experienced and trained third-party SEED Reviewers.


  • SEED Evaluation Application
    (Parts 1, 2 required)
    Some applicants prefer to use the SEED Evaluator as methodology and not seek certification. This mechanism allows designers and others to use the SEED Evaluator to document and critically understand how their work addresses stakeholder engagement and critical social, economic, and environmental justice issues.


  • SEED Publications Application
    (Part 1 required)
    The SEED Network publication editors Lisa M. Abendroth and Bryan Bell regularly seek exemplary projects that present the best practices of community-centered public interest design. Project teams from across the fields of design in academic, commercial, and non-profit sectors are encouraged to submit. Work completed within the past 5 years that engage inclusivity in stakeholder participation while addressing life’s critical issues are of interest.

SEED Evaluator Application Fees

Part 1: $100
Part 2: $100
Part 3: $100

Requests for fee waivers can be submitted to bryan@designcorps.org.